Sunday, September 28, 2008

In Loving Memory

of Roland Wood.
On September 26th, 2008, Jared's grandfather passed away.
Although it was expected for quite sometime, as he never let us forget that he was getting older and couldn't wait until he passed on to the next life - it was still a surprise for all of us.
As Brother Burbank stated in church today - you couldn't pay him to come back!
He was quite an amazing grandfather and was determined and independent until the end. He was very caring and wanting to help out those in need, he's helped us many times, and as Winnie told us today - he'd give you his last penny if he thought you needed it.
At first we were worried about Grandma, but after visiting with her today, we can see how strong and tough she is and her optimistic outlook on life never seems to get her down. It will be sad to see her move to Langley, but we are so happy she will get to live near her sister and two sons and she seems very happy to do so.

The funeral will be this Thursday, October 2nd at 2pm a the Victoria Stake Center.
We will miss you Grandpa!

Don't Laugh

I tried knitting again, for the 2nd time ever, and well, all I can knit are squares and rectangles. I tried to figure out how to make some baby booties out of squares and I came up with this elf/ship-looking boot that Jared laughs at every time he sees it. So I turned it inside out and it looks better and rounder, but it's still huge and I don't think a 2 year old wants to wear booties. So I'm sticking to squares and maybe make a blanket out of them instead...We'll see!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our House

Just a little drawing I did to try and visualize what we want to do to our house.
Now I'm thinking cedar shingles and hardi plank with some cedar posts for the railing with black tempered glass.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

6 months

This is for all those who keep bugging me for photos: