Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our New Nephew

Welcome Owen!
Owen Michael McCullough was born yesterday evening (almost this morning) weighing 7lbs, 8oz with lots of dark hair!

Big girl clothes!

Aubrey is finally fitting into 3 month old clothing, even though she's almost 4 months old - she's catching up fast!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It was a Happy Valentine's Day!

We stayed home last night and Jared made dinner and I made desert. He BBQ'd steak, lobster tail and scallops and cooked carrots and potatoes and it was delicious! I made individual heart-shaped cakes that had a chocolate cake layer on the top and bottom with chocolate ice-cream in the middle filled with peanut butter and the outside was iced with nutella with some strawberries on top.
The whole time Aubrey slept in her swing beside us and didn't even make a peep.
Then we all watched a movie and bed and went to sleep! It was a great evening!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I got an early Valentine's present: Aubrey slept 8 hours through the night!

You can imagine my surprise when I fed Aubrey at 11pm last night and didn't wake up until 7am this morning...well, that and well rested! She had a fussy evening as we went out to a Rockband party and it was pretty noisy, which interrupted a nap, she had a good cry. Then after a calm period we headed home but had to stop for toilet paper and while Jared was in Safeway she started crying again. I took her out of her car seat and tried to calm her and gave her another bottle and we went home and she went to bed. She woke up happy and smiling!

Aubrey's Room

I'm slowly getting more done in Aubrey's room. I framed some photos using scrapbook paper and made a paper mobile using the same paper. All I have yet to do is paint the closet doors and find a rug.

Friday, February 6, 2009