Wednesday, September 30, 2009

grumpy gus

After a grumpy day and night last night we discovered not one, but two new teeth breaking through Aubrey's gums. Her first molar and her last lateral incisor has broken through. I guess she's been pretty good for having a sore mouth!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I couldn't wait to scrapbook this one before I posted it!

Aubrey LOVES looking out the window and staring at anything moving (or not!). She loves peering through the curtains. This one early morning on Jared's day off we were laying on the couch after feeding her and I couldn't resist taking a photo of her doing her favourite thing - being curious!

Casting Call was a Success!

Yesterday Julianne and I had a casting call for babies and toddlers to model our craftiness (ties, sweaters, scarves, hair clips, headbands and shoes) and it was a great success! We had 7 moms come out with their kids an although we had some chaos at one point with too many people in one room - it was all great! We needed these photos to use in our display at the Sidney Winter Craft fair at the Mary Winspear Center. The above photo is the display that will be suspended between 2 tall white bookshelves which will have all our products on them. We are doing the last 2 Wednesdays of November and the second Wednesday of December. This is the first year they've done a winter market, so we'll see how it goes!

Stand Up!

So as Aubrey woke up from a morning nap, I hear jabbering and laughter. I went in to see what she was doing and she was standing in her crib holding onto the railing! She has never pulled herself up on anything before, so this came as a surprise! We had just lowered the mattress in her crib early the same week! What great timing that was!

Friday, September 4, 2009

I just had to do it

Looking at that last serious photo of Aubrey & Owen it reminded me of this classic, so I had to try it out.


We babysat Owen the other evening so Mike & Julianne could go to a movie, so of course I forced them to take photos together (it wasn't that hard). Aubrey pretty much mauled poor Owen.

Catching Up: 10 Months old

I'm slowly catching up on my scrapbooking as I fell behind do to a felting frenzy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From the Vegetable Garden

Some things in are garden did really well like: tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, carrots, and especially zucchini, and corn, even though the stalks were short and so were the cobs! Cucumbers and squash didn't do very well as they were crowded out by the zucchini.