Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I tried putting Aubrey's costume on her and she was drowning in it. She wasn't happy, and this was the only photo I got! I put it on her early in hopes of a photo as she face-planted onto one of her toys, which left a nickel-sized circle bruise on her cheek, and I was trying to get the photo before it bruised up more!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Old Photos

I was going through the memory cards on our little point and shoot camera and came across a few photos that I like, but aren't good enough quality to do anything with, so I thought I'd share them here.

Aubrey was in her bouncy chair while I took a shower one day and when I came out she was asleep but still holding the toy that hung in front of her!

This is how I managed to get so much scrapbooking done! She layed on a pillow on my lap in front of me while I worked!

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 8th anniversary. Photo is taken on Sunset Beach near Seaside, Oregon.

Birthday Party

We had Aubrey's birthday party on Friday night for family. I was worried she wouldn't be able to stay up late enough, but she had a late morning nap (2 hours) and then stayed awake for over 4 hours and had an hour nap before dinner, so it all worked out! She opened her gifts very well and liked all her presents - thank you! She did not, however, like her cake and ice cream! I think the ice cream was just too cold!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Such a good girl!

I just have to say what a good natured baby Aubrey is! She has traveled so well - she takes her naps and they somehow work into our schedule. We tried to be out the door at the time she has her first nap, around 9am so that she can sleep on the drive to wherever we are going, then she's awake for our activities. Then she has an afternoon nap while we are driving around some more. Then when we are done visiting a place for the day she has her last bottle and she goes to bed for the night on the drive home. It hasn't all worked out perfect, but it hasn't been a problem either. She did sleep through the night completely once, but that's it. But it's hard to be upset in the middle of the night when she's just so easy going and great during the day!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


We drove from Port Angeles along the coastline through Washington to Oregon

This is along the coastline in the Olympic National Park

Going across the Astoria Bridge into Oregon

Inside the living room of our beach house rental in Seaside. The sliding doors are the front door.

The little kitchen. I don't have a photo of the outside yet, as it's really stormy outside!

We drove down to Canon Beach (about 5 mins away) and it was so blustery - windy and wet. We drove out the a park that sat on a point out into the ocean and it was so windy that it probably would have knocked us over if we had gotten out. We've never experienced such strong winds!

Just to show how wet Jared was after being outside for 2 mins.

Canon Beach - you can see the wind picking up the sand and blowing it over the beach

So windy that the only thing not moving is the log

You can see the Haystack and needles (Rocks) in the foggy distance

We then drove back to Astoria which is about 15 mins north of Seaside, to check the town out a little better. Here is a view of the bridge again.

We found the house that was used in the Goonies movie, this was the sign at the bottom of the driveway, so Jared walked up and took a photo of the house while I waited in the car while Aubrey slept.

And here it is - the Goonies house

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So tired!

Around 6 pm last night Aubrey was fussy because she had a early nap and was really tired. It was an hour before her next bottle, but she just couldn't wait to sleep. I put her in her highchair next to me at the computer while I worked, but she fell asleep, hunched over to the side. So I took her out and put her down on the bean bag chair next to the highchair so she could take a nap - poor thing! Jared came home shortly after and though it was so cute and got me to take the photo. He then picked her up hoping she would wake up and we could entertain her until bedtime, but she just fell asleep in his arms. He eventually put her in her crib, where she slept until just after 7pm - like clockwork it was time to eat!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Broccoli Bum

When I bring Aubrey into the sunroom to play first thing in the morning, it's a little cold so I have a knitted sweater I always put on her until it warms up. We have those plastic fruits and vegetables that velcro the halves together so you can pretend to cut them apart, which get stuck all over Aubrey and her sweater as she rolls across them. I always think it's so funny when I look at her and she looks like a salad. Well today I was playing on the ground with her, I got up and used the washroom and looked in the mirror and a half of a broccoli was stuck to my bum!