Saturday, August 27, 2011

iPhone makeover

Printer + cardstock
Paper cutter + corner punch or scissors
Clear iPhone case
Hole punch

I printed out a page full of images to not waste paper - then I can switch them out when I feel like it.
The size I made each image was 6 cm x 11.5 cm. This creates a tight insert which leaves room for trimming within the photo a bit. Most clear cases come with a cardboard insert that you can use to trace as a template, but if you are like me and happened to already have a clear case and have just come across this idea, then you'll no longer have that handy template! I've scanned my template and have it here, if you'd like to print it off or use as a digital template:

Cut out each image and use corner punch to round the corners (or use scissors if you are patient).
I used a hole punch to make the holes for the camera and flash as I thought it would be quicker and cleaner then trying to cut out a nice oval to match the case.
You could also use scrapbooking paper, here I had some digital scrapbook paper and then printed it on cardstock. I think cardstock will hold up a little better.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Diy day

Have you visited Pinterest yet? If you save photos from blogs in folders all over your computer, or have so many bookmarks of webpages that you never visit them again, then this is the site for you!
Once you sign up (free) and save their "Pin It" quick link to your broswer shortcut bar then have just made saving great ideas even easier. Once you find a photo you want to save, just click the "pin it" quick link, it will bring up all the photos on that webpage, select the one you want to save and then it will ask you to assign it to a category (which you create) these are called boards, and add a comment. You can have a board for every category you'd like. I have a DIY, Recipes, Wishlist etc. boards. 
The nice thing about having all these photos in tidy little boards and nicely organized is that when you click on the photo at a later date, it takes you back to the original site is was from, complete with instructions or other important info - genius.

In the last post I included a few links to some of my pinterest photos and today I was able to use some of those saved ideas with my thrift finds. Above I made our family crossword with my scrabble pieces. I wasn't sure what background to put on it and then discovered that I liked the cardboard backing to the frame just fine! I used puffy sticky scrapbooking squares to attach the tiles easily and to add dimension.
I took the glass jar I found, poured in some orange paint and a bit of water to make it more fluid and swirled it around to coat the inside of the jar. I love this idea because I had been wanting something orange in the living room area to pull colour in from the orange wall in the dining area, and this was cheap and easy and the perfect match in colour!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thrift Find

I found some good deals today and I wasn't even planing on going...just happened to be in the neighbourhood.
I love this dress for Aubrey
This jacket was too good to pass up, it's a size 5 (a couple away from Aubrey's current size) but it was 50% off $4.99!
I couldn't pass up this unopened box of owl Christmas cards for $0.99 or this glass jar for the same price. See here what I'm going to do with it (maybe orange).  Or maybe this.
The little umbrella was also $0.99 and the Talbot was probably the most expensive. The scrabble game was a last minute find as someone had discarded it at the cash register. for $1.29 I couldn't pass it up even if it was missing pieces. There's so many things to make with scrabble letters, see here.

Aren't Raccoons nocturnal?

We have a family of raccoons that live by our apartment...probably because our neighbour feeds them!
I hear them scratching around outside my bedroom window at night or fighting with the cats or each other. Yesterday at 10 am I heard the same scratching, thinking it was a cat because it was during the day, I was surprised to see this little raccoon digging for food and then run up the tree beside my balcony and then stare at me!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shopping Online

How much online shopping do you do? Did you know you can find the best deals online?
I was just recently at Old Navy and when I got home I decided to look up a few things and searched the sale section. The deals were amazing, plus they were offering a 25% off discount when you entered a code at your checkout - just like a coupon. I bought a pair of jelly sandals for Aubrey ($3.99 + 25% off), a dress  and a t-shirt for me, all for $30 including shipping. It arrived today and it all fits and is great!
If you find something online that only ships to the states, send it to me and I'll bring it when we're in Victoria next week so you'll have to pay for fast shipping!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Today we were tourists

Before we had all our visitors come, Jared was given a bunch of CityPass books from the hotel from people who just left them after using only one or two things from each of them. With these we were all able to go to the zoo. We had a bunch of attraction passes left to use so today we went to the Aquarium and on a harbour ferry tour - all for free!

Argossy harbour ferry tour

I didn't take my camera, just used my iphone camera - not too terrible though!
See all the fun things you could do if you come visit us? And we might even be able to get these passes for free again! We have EMP tickets (experience music project) and Space Needle passes left to use as well!

More Guests!

Thursday morning everyone left and that evening friends of ours arrived! We had Sean, Nikki and Cedar Larsen visit. They were visiting the Oregon coast from Cranbrook and decided to drive to Seattle for a visit as well. That evening after Aubrey had been in bed for a while, I went to check on her and found this:
 She had used crayon to scribble all over the wall around her bed. I still haven't cleaned it off.
I think she was struggling for some attention after all our visitors and she was just acting out.
 We went to Pike Place to buy some pasta.

 We went down to the Piers and rode on the carosel and to eat at the Crab Pot.
 Then we went to the Ballard Locks and also saw the fish ladder.

 Then for dinner we went to our favourite burger place but I was so sick of heavy foods so I got a bean patty instead of hamburger and it was really good.
Then we went to the bike park under the I-5 and the girls sat in their strollers and watched their dads bike.