Thursday, April 21, 2016


 The other day I did a photoshoot using Aubrey's old play kitchen and so I thought I'd try and get some extra use out of the candy with the girls.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Back in the end of February we had some really nice weather so one Saturday we decided to check out a park that was just North of Santa Cruz called Wilder Ranch.
It's an old ranch that is now a park open to the public.

 We saw some chickens

Checked out the old barns.

  The original homestead

 These bushes were massive and had tunnels running all through them. I'm inside it looking out the top.

Then since were close by, we stopped at Natural Bridges beach in Santa Cruz after grabbing some lunch (and diapers because we didn't bring a single one!).

The water was cold, but she LOVED it.


I felt like when Aubrey was Harper's age I had so much time to just watch her and take photos of her playing. So I took advantage of the day to try and take some photos of Harper just playing.
I try not to work at all on the weekends, so now I need to remember capture some of these moments.