Aubrey was suppose to go for her first day of Nursery 2 weeks ago but had a cold so I didn't take her. Last week was the Vancouver Temple dedication thus no church and so this was her first official time. She walked right in, made a huge mess of the toys and I felt out of place just standing there without a clingy child like the rest of the parents who had to stay. I don't know if I should feel happy or sad about that? I left and went to sunday school and then RS and no one came and got me so that was nice. It was my first Sunday of actually going to 2nd and 3rd block by myself as Jared works Sundays and I don't get that break. It was a nice Mother's Day present!
When I picked her up after church the Nursery leader said she did well but did need to be held for the last part of the time, hopefully next week will only get better!
Happy Day! We just celebrated the nursery milestone 3 weeks ago with Lauren. Such a treat. She didn't fuss either, if it makes you feel better! :)
That's wonderful! We're still waiting for Joshua to have his first nursery experience.
Yeah Aubrey! My kids don't fuss when a babysitter shows up either. :) I like to think its because I've done such a good job preparing them. :)
There is only one thing you can do to feel better.........reproduce again! another baby of course will fix everything.
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