Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Last weekend we went on a little camping trip to Westport which is on the Washington coast SW of Olympia. We left on a very raining day and it didn't let up until the next evening. We went with friends who camped for one night and we stayed for another night, hoping the weather would get better! My camera didn't come out until the first morning. We went for a drive into Westport to check it out. It's a small town and it was very grey and quiet.

 We came across a tower that we climbed up which gave us this view of all the pelicans.

 The marina area of Westport

 Jenny & Eli checking out the view - the only photo I have of our friends on this trip before they left. So sad!

After driving around Westport we went to Aberdeen in hopes of finding something else to do or see while it rained. We ended up going to Walmart to buy the forgotten unpacked items and some new rainboots for Aubrey. Then we took Aubrey to a movie: Brave. It was good, but had some scarey moments. When we came out the rain had stopped and by the time we got back to our campsite, the sun was shining!

 We walked down the path from our campsite to the beach. 

 This beach had so many sand dollars everywhere. I have never seen so many in one place! Aubrey used them as plates.

 We found some sand dollar artwork someone else had made.

 It's nice to see Aubrey not freak out about the sand anymore! She still has to warm up to it, but it's taking much less time! We even played in the water, it wasn't as cold as we were use to and Aubrey loved it!

A common Aubrey pose.

 Our campsite

We made peach cobbler in a dutch oven for desert the last night and it was so good, but way to much for just us, especially after a big meal of taco salad! We shared a little with our neighbors.

The next day we went to church in the little branch and then packed up and went to the beach one last time for some lunch before making our way home.

Does anyone know any remedies in getting rid of the smoke smell in clothes after camping?
I just finished doing 3 loads of laundry and it still has a slight smoke smell to me. 
Maybe it will just take a couple washes??

1 comment:

Shelli McCullough said...

Looks like so much fun. What a beautiful spot. I love all the pictures you took!