We would like to invite you to a small, intimate one-stop Christmas shopping night! Come and just drop-in between 7 - 9 pm, pick up a few gifts, see some new products, grab some refreshments and visit. No pressure, no sales pitch - we'll just answer your questions, take and orders and get them to you by Christmas.
Who will be here?
Shannon Wight Real Life Photography - Gift Certificates for Family, Newborns, Maternity and Engagement. Also featuring hand-made baby hair clips, head bands, shoes, neckties, scarves and more!
Norwex® Enviro Products Inc. - Improving quality of life by reducing chemical use in personal care and cleaning.
Tupperware® - Health. Organization. Money. Environment = H.O.M.E. - Come check out what's new, get a gift and see how for over 60 years Tupperware has made a difference.
Discovery Toys - Teach, Play and Inspire: great educational and quality built toys for children of all ages.
Beauty Control® - Specializing in Spa treatments, Personalized skin care and Advanced Anti-aging products.
Scentsy® - Flameless, Sootless, Leadless, and Smoke-free ceramic scented candle warmers that use a low watt bulb to gently melt the specially formulated scented wax. 76 different warmer styles, 80 different scent wax choices, and much more! New to Canada as of October 1, 2009.
Victorian Epicure Inc. - Over 300 high quality spice blends, gourmet food products and professional cookware - founded in Victoria!
Here is a link to our flyer: http://nels.anvik.ca/~swight/christmasflyer.pdf
Please feel free to print it off and give or email to any of your friends!
1 comment:
I wish that I lived closer so that I could attend. Good luck!
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