Friday, November 30, 2012


We headed out early this morning so we could stop at a few places along the Redwood Forest. We first stopped at The Trees of Mystery where we saw Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox. We walked thru the forest and road a tram up to the top of a hill. We did this because Aubrey wanted to. I could not get out of that thing fast enough - not my idea of fun!

Then we drove along the Avenue of the Giants because I wanted to stop at the treehouse and gift shop but they were closed for the season! We did stop at the drive-thru tree and our car fit! The last time I was there I was 8 and our mini van did not fit!

After that we stopped for some food and then Aubrey slept from there until just outside San Francisco. It was dark by the time we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. We had just gotten on to the freeway to San Jose when Aubrey had to use a bathroom. There was no where to stop in time so we pulled off to the side of the road in rush hour traffic. Good thing it was dark, there wasn't much space or privacy! Somehow we managed to sneak our way back into the busy highway.
We arrived in San Jose to a decorated Christmas park full of lights, trees and rides - even snow machines right in front of the hotel. I think it helped make a good impression in Aubrey's eyes!

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