Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Visiting Victoria

I made another trip to Victoria to take some wedding photos (you can see them here).
Aubrey and I had a nice visit in Duncan and then went down to Victoria for a couple days before Jared joined us.
 The start of our road trip.
 Playing with cousins on the trampoline - probably the first time she actually jumped and had fun!

 Picking strawberries with Grandma and Nya

 eating the strawberries!

 After dinner at Jared's dad's restaurant we all went to the nearby beach for the sunset.

 Aubrey in Grandpa Wight's car outside his restaurant.

Aubrey making weed salad and chocolate milk with Jordan. She doesn't get to play like this in the city.


Julianne said...

Your vintage shots are awesome!

Unknown said...

Thanks Julianne!